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Visit the historic home of Maine’s last Mast Agent and learn how New England forests

fueled colonial industry, strengthened the British Royal Navy, and sparked rebellion.


Tate House Museum is now open for guided tours through Oct 12, 2024.

Tours are offered Wed thru Sat every hour on the hour from

10:00 am to 3:00 pm

(six tours a day starting at 10 am, 11 am, 12 noon, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm)

Gift Shop open Wed- Sat during tour times!

Advance purchase tickets are generally not required, but are available here if you would like to reserve a particular date or time.  Tours are limited to 7 people and can sell out during our busy season in July and August. Please visit June 5- Oct 12 by showing up 10-15 min before the scheduled tour will begin.


At our Fall Fundraiser, history and map lovers will have the opportunity to win a beautifully-framed facsimile of a rare 1720s map of Casco Bay by English cartographer Cyprian Southack reproduced from the Tate House collection. Raffle tickets can be purchased in advance until the time of the drawing, following Mr. Mayhew’s lecture. Supporters can participate in the raffle without being present at the event.


The Harbour of Casco Bay and Islands Adjacent By Cap.t Cyprian Southicke [sic]

From The English Pilot. The Fourth Book, 1755

Emanuel Bowen (1694-1767), engraver, after Cyprian Southack (1662-1745) London, England

Captain Cyprian Southack, an early American chart maker, first surveyed the coast around what became Portland while on an English expedition to Casco Bay in 1698. The chart was not published until 1720 in The English Pilot, The Fourth Book, the standard navigational guide to American waters. Although the chart was full of errors, it remained widely available for much of the eighteenth century as the volume saw numerous editions for over a century.

Thanks to our 2024 Business Sponsors and Supporters!

Tate House Museum preservation projects supported by



Tate House Museum
1267 Westbrook Street
Portland, Maine 04102